Angle cut
Checking the angle cut
Before checking the angle cut, check the settings of the sliding table (see operating instructions) and of the swinging arm, and correct them if necessary.
Check the angle cut at the crosscut fence as follows:
As the tool, use a sharp quality saw blade, D = 350 mm/ 3.5/2.5/72 teeth alternate bevel at n = 5000 rpm. Take a 1000 x 1000 mm chipboard or MDF board, minimum board thickness 19 mm. Do 5 cuts (see fig.), laying the last cut side at
the crosscut fence for the next cut (turn the board anticlockwise). For the 5th cut, cut off a strip approx. 10 mm wide. Measure the thickness at both ends with a vernier caliper. The difference between the two dimensions divided by 4
gives the squareness error per metre cut length.
The angle cut must be checked at 2 different positions at least on the crossslideof the sliding table.
Factory setting:
The cross-slide is secured at positions of approx. 300 mm and 1300 mm from the sliding table end. In these two positions the angle cut is checked and adjusted as described above. The setting must not exceed the maximum permissible tolerance of <0.2 mm ( with the 5th cut (dimension 1 - dimension 2)).